
Name of Business:

Achiever Foods Ghana

Name of Business Owner:

Millicent and Bright Adoboe


Tell us who you are?

Nestled in the heart of Ghana, the inspiring saga of Achiever Foods unfolds, a testament to resilience and innovative thinking. Co-founded by Bright & Millicent Adoboe, this venture not only rejuvenates lives but also redefines the contours of sustainable agriculture.

What motivated you to start the business? From the backdrop of scarcity and struggle in Millicent's health emerged the seeds of Achiever Foods. A life-threatening encounter with iron deficiency anemia triggered a quest for transformation. This led to the discovery of a climate-adaptive crop, turkey berries, locally known as “abedru” or “Kwahu nsusua”, which became the cornerstone of their innovative endeavor.


Kindly elaborate on some of your achievements?

Achiever Foods' 19 products create awareness about the health benefits of Turkey berries. This advocacy-driven approach ignites wellness consciousness, fostering healthier lifestyles. These achievements culminated in the prestigious Generation Africa Impact Award in 2020, validating their dedication to transformation. As they celebrate their 5th anniversary, Achiever Foods launches new products, signaling a future where innovation and sustainability continue to flourish.


How has the funding received from the program helped your business?

Fidelity Bank's partnership, through the Orange Corners Innovative fund, catalyzed the transformation of Achiever Foods. Modern machinery streamlined production and packaging of their teas and jams, exemplifying how financial collaboration can propel sustainable business growth. Before this facility, the business produced 100 teabags a day. With the new equipment, they have acquired their production has been boosted to 1000 tea bags a day.


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